PORVOO OLD TOWN – For Jane Lunchbucket and Mel Gibson alike

Mel Gibson and Raija Hynönen

Colorful wooden houses by water, and the cathedral up on the hill

During the summer Porvoo Old Town attracts visitors from all over the world. In June, July and August this little pittoresque pearl is lively, but not too full. At night time the town is calm and peaceful. Not exactly a crazy party location, despite the fact that there are nice restaurants and a few night clubs in town. 

A woman and a man in front of old wooden house

Raija met Mel Gibson in Porvoo Old Town
Photo credits with Mr. Gibson: Santi Fox

Porvoo is a great hideaway for the "rich and famous". Right after midsummer Mel Gibson and his family visited Porvoo and had dinner in Meet District, and about a week earlier Lars Ulrich from Metallica had been enjoying his coffee at Cellar Cafe and Bar terrace. Finnish people respect your privacy and do not harass the stars during their meal. They might ask politely for a selfie afterwards, but the Finns certainly give you enough space enjoy your time here like the rest of us. 

Actually, my friend Raija and her family had been having dinner at the same time with mr. Gibson at Meet District. They happened to leave the restaurant at the same time, and Raija got a chance to get a picture together with Mel. 

I was at the shop, totally unaware of mr. Gibson having dinner just 50 meters from our store. Suddenly Raija runs into the shop asking: "Did he come here?" 

Me: "Who?"

Raija: "Mel Gibson! I told him to come to your shop."

I thought she was joking and started laughing. But she showed me the picture of them together so I had to believe her that Mel was actually in town. I had my friend Eeva coming over for the evening, so there was no way I could stay at the shop waiting for him and his family to pop in. So I left him a message in the window 😂.

A message on a small chalkboard among the colorful cushions in the display window of Taiga Colors

I live two minute walk from the shop, so I could have easily to come and open the shop up for Mel. Did he call me? Nope. But the story ended up in the local newspaper Uusimaa 😂.

A picture of the local newspaper with Raija looking at Mel

I am quite sure that Taiga Colors is the only shop in the world that has been mentioned in the newspaper because Mel Gibson did NOT drop in 
😂. Warm regards to reporter Mika Laurila! 

A hand holding a drink infront of some hanging strings in a staircase

We had a fun evening with Eeva even without Mel, dropped in at Runo Hotel for a drink and some art exploring...

Colorful fabrics hanging up in the air

Some fruit and a bottle of sparkly on a blanket

And had a picnic at Maarinlahti.

Interior cushions with fighter jet patterns

On June 20th Taiga Colors (equals me) hosted the defence, aviation and space themed PORVOO SUMMIT 2024. The summit was second of its kind, and the day was again based on the schedules of our guest with the longest distance from home, Lockheed Martin Country Manager for Finland, Sweden and Denmark Scott Davis. Our lovely guests made the event, thank you all for participating! And special thanks for the live music performances for Harri, Kari, Veikko, Soili and Scott ♥

Wine bottles and food on the table

Arena with basketball players warming up

Did a small trip too. We went to Tampere with our sons to see Susijengi play against Latvia. 

Narrow street with colorful small houses on both sides

A jar filled with yogurt and berries in my hand, people at the background walking on the street

Other than that, my whole summer has been mostly just work. I have had just two days off during the last months, the first of May and the Midsummer Eve. So again most of my snapshots have been focusing on people walking by the shop. A few friends in the pictures as well ♥

Friday evening (on August 30th 2024, from 5pm to 10 pm) we have a Shopping Night At Porvoo Old Town. Hope to see you then ♥


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